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Common Questions about Bankruptcy in Alberta

The most common and usually the first statement we hear from people when they contact one of our Alberta Bankruptcy Trustees is, “I have some questions about bankruptcy…”

Bankruptcy and how it works are not typical topics of everyday conversation, and for most people considering bankruptcy, it is an entirely new concept for them and something they would like to avoid. Sometimes, however, a debt management plan or debt repayment plan is not achievable, and bankruptcy is the best option for people. The fear of the unknown is one of the biggest reasons people are reluctant to call or contact a Bankruptcy Trustee.

We have assembled a list of the bankruptcy questions we most commonly get asked, for review by our readers.


After many years of recording the questions clients ask our Alberta Bankruptcy Trustees, we have identified that the most Common Questions are as follows:

You can submit your own question by e-mailing one of our Alberta Bankruptcy Trustees, or by submitting an anonymous question to our Bankruptcy Blog.
You can contact one of our Alberta Bankruptcy Trustees in your area, and speak to them personally or request a free, no-obligation consultation.